Karel Doormanlaan 220
3572 NZ Utrecht
tel. 06 10 79 48 75


Maud Schermer has finished a professional education at the Institute Collection Netherlands, the current RCE -Rijksdienst voor Cultural Heritage-, in Amsterdam in ceramics and glass restoration. For several years now she works as an independent conservator, and did several projects (e.g. The Meissen Ara restoration for the Rijksmuseum). Originally trained as an art historian at Utrecht University, she aspired to do something different. Working with her hands, and that is now possible to do to perfection.

During the training, fascinating internships were done abroad, such as at the Conservation Center in Liverpool (UK), and in the Historisches Museum in Basel (CH). In addition, an internship was done in a private studio in Amsterdam, so that working in a small studio could be experienced.

Work and activities

2003 untill now: Restorationwork in private studio. Among other assignments/projects here are a few examples:

2020: Artmuseum The Hague: restoration of two large Delftware monumental flower piramids.

2018/19: Artmuseum The Hague: restoration of several objects or the Exhibition Islamic Art ('Glans en Geluk' Shine & Hapiness)

2011-2013: freelance work at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. An important assignment was to restore a masterpiece of the Meissen collection, "de Ara", to be restored for the opening of the new Rijksmuseum. The bird, broken into hundreds of shards, can again be seen in a special round display cabinet with several Meissen animals in a new arrangement (section 18th century).

2013: In assignment of Cultural Heritage Gelderland: quality measurement (baseline measurement) of a sub-collection of the Museum Moderne Kunst Arnhem and Historisch Museum Arnhem.

Guest lecturer at the UvA Amsterdam: master's degree in conservation and restoration (ceramics and glass).

From 2005 to 2008 board member of the Association of Friends of Ceramics and Glass see www.vormuitvuur.nl , organization of excursions.

Work for Dutch Museums, private clients, antique dealers and auction houses.
Some clients: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Artmuseum The Hague, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Catharijne Convent Utrecht, Museum het Schielandshuis Rotterdam, Tile Museum Otterlo, Christie's auction house

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